The School of Finance Successfully Hosts the Second Annual 'Gaodun Financial Cup' Undergraduate Academic Forum

In order to implement the relevant spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress on comprehensively improving the quality of independent training of talents, focusing on creating top-notch innovative talents, further deepen the construction of new liberal arts, comprehensively improve the quality of undergraduate education and teaching, and cultivate the innovative spirit and research ability of undergraduates, on the afternoon of December 7, 2023, The second Gordon Financial Cup Undergraduate Academic Forum of the School of Finance was held in Conference Room 313, Wenquan Building South.

Mr. Qian Xuefeng, Director of the Academic Affairs Department at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Mr. Guo Jialiang, President of Shanghai Gaodun Education Group's Wuhan Branch, all the leaders of the School of Finance, department heads, thesis evaluators, faculty and student representatives, as well as the selected forum paper authors, attended this academic forum to witness this scholarly gathering and the growth and progress of undergraduate students on their academic journey. The forum was hosted by Vice Dean Li Jianhua.


Professor Yu Minggui, Dean of School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and Mr. Guo Jialiang, President of Shanghai Gordon Education Group Wuhan Branch, addressed the opening ceremony of the forum respectively.

Dean Yu Minggui talked about the understanding of the School of Finance on the overall deployment of the Trinity, stressed the purpose and importance of holding the undergraduate academic forum, and hoped that the finalists could seize the opportunity, seriously publicize, establish discipline confidence in the forum, and broaden their academic horizons. He said that with the mission of contributing new knowledge of finance, cultivating financial elites, leading financial practices, and promoting social development, the School of Finance is actively exploring new models of talent training, comprehensively improving the quality of undergraduate education and the level of scientific research and education, and striving to demonstrate the achievements of Zhongnan University in the vivid practice of strengthening education, science and technology, and talents.

In his speech, President Guo Jialiang expressed that Gaodun Education will continue to strengthen its friendly cooperation with the School of Finance. He emphasized the importance of harnessing the collaborative efforts between the university and the business sector to support the School of Finance in further enhancing the quality of undergraduate talent development. He also highlighted the significance of planning one's university journey for future development and offered relevant advice to the students.

The School of Finance received over 30 research papers for its second undergraduate academic forum. After undergoing processes such as plagiarism checks, anonymous expert reviews, and committee evaluations, a total of 20 outstanding papers were selected to participate in the forum and engage in discussions. The academic discussions were divided into four sub-forums based on different themes. The authors of these papers presented and exchanged ideas on academic hot topics in areas such as finance, investment, insurance, and engineering. Eight faculty members from the School provided professional guidance and feedback on the students' presentations. The participants in each sub-forum actively engaged in discussions, leading to the constant exchange of ideas and intellectual sparks.


After sub-forum presentations and evaluation by the expert review committee, this forum ultimately awarded four first-place papers, six second-place papers, and ten third-place papers. The leaders and faculty of the School of Finance presented awards to the winning students and took commemorative photos with them.

In his closing remarks, Secretary Wang Ping of the School of Finance's Party Committee offered three pieces of advice to the students:

1. Foster a new mindset and embrace a sense of urgency to seize the day, striving to become new individuals who embrace the future.

2. Recognize the larger picture and act with a sense of urgency, aspiring to become great individuals who shape the future.

3.Hone genuine skills, take on the responsibility of personal growth through hard work, and aim to become authentic individuals who secure victory in the future.

The second Gaodun Financial Cup undergraduate academic forum at the School of Finance has successfully concluded. In this era filled with opportunities and challenges, the School of Finance is committed to enhancing the quality of undergraduate education and research-oriented education. We strive to provide a platform for academic exchange for our undergraduate students, helping them to bridge the gap and lay a solid foundation for further studies.

Furthermore, the School will continue to explore the Zhongnan Experience within the comprehensive reform of Three Full Education, offering financial wisdom to accelerate the goal of achieving a world-class university with distinctive features in the integration of finance, economics, politics, and law. We are dedicated to contributing our financial strength to the development of the Party and the nation in the new era and in pursuit of the second centenary goals.