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演讲主题:Consumer willingness to pay, government intervention and green product design


    间:2018427日  15:00—17:00

地    点:文泉楼106教室

    要: In recent years, much attention has been paid to green production in the domain of market players and environmental policy. The study is conducted mainly from two perspectives of enterprise decision and government's intervention when consumers are environmentally discerning and heterogeneous. Enterprise decision is carried out in two aspects: pricing and green degree decisions and the decision of product differentiation. Government subsidies are carried out from environmental friendly materials subsidy and green technology subsidy. We first investigate the competitive equilibriums between two types of enterprises considering consumers’ willingness to pay in a full coverage market. Then, we explore the impact of environmental friendly materials for environmental impact and enterprises in each equilibrium state. Based on this, we present the raw materials intervention strategies. In order to further decrease the environmental impact, we investigate the use of green technology subsidy strategies to motivate enterprises to improve the green degree of products. In the further study, we discuss how one enterprise produces differentiated products to meet the needs of different consumers in the incompletely covered market. Then, we broaden it to a more general situation and develop a decision model that derives the optimal strategies for two enterprises with different green technical level and cost structure. Results show that the optimal strategies for the enterprise deeply depend on consumers’ willingness to pay and the enterprise’s technical parameters. More importantly, the existence of equilibrium state needs consumers’ willingness to pay satisfy some threshold. The government intervention can encourage enterprise to improve green degree and decrease environmental impact.

演讲者简介:徐静,重庆大学副教授,2008年毕业于中国人民大学。 主要研究方向包括金融资产定价, 金融风险度量、碳金融、绿色金融等,与山东大学彭实戈院士和美国南加州大学Jin Ma教授有长期合作研究经历,主持过教育部人文社科项目、教育部科技重点项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目。在统计学、金融学和经济学领域的国内外学术期刊上发表论文数篇,其中包括Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Electronic Journal of  Probability, Dynamic Systems and Applications等。

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